
Another Operation for Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf recently underwent a second operation on his hand, and is recovering at home.

The actor has completed his second hand operation, five months after injuring himself in a car accident in Los Angeles.

LaBeouf’s first surgery took place just after the accident last July, but a second operation was required when the star finished work on the film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.  The film’s script had to be re-written to incorporate LaBeouf’s injury.

According to the New York Daily News, the second operation took place two weeks ago, and the star is resting at home.  A spokesperson for LaBeouf revealed, "Shia had one surgery postponed for Transformers 2, but there’s no additional complications now. It’s taken a while, but the surgery has been completed and Shia should be healing fine."