
Lil’ Kim Gets Served

Lil’ Kim has been slapped with a lawsuit again, but this time, by her record company.

After facing a lawsuit in July filed by Simon & Schuster Inc. for not writing a book for which she received a $40 000 advance payment, she’s now being sued by her record company.

Brookland Media accuses Lil’ Kim of not having kept her end of the bargain to deliver all the recordings agreed upon, in spite the fact that the record house paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars to record songs and for the equipment.

Additionally, Brookland Media says that they’ve paid a $12 000 monthly lease for the star’s New Jersey home.

According to the New York Daily News, the company wants the judge to declare the contract valid and prevent Lil’ Kim from recording with another label for the duration of the contract.

The singer’s attorney says that the suit was filed so that the company could "leverage its own position" in the agreement.