
Sienna Miller Gets an Apology

Britain’s Daily Star was forced to pay Sienna Miller and give her an apology.

Actress Sienna Miller has received a sum of $27 750 in damages and interest, as well as an apology from the British newspaper the Daily Star.

At the beginning of the month, the tabloid published a photo of the red-faced actress, who was visibly in distress and on the verge of tears, after being harassed by a group of paparazzi.

The star’s attorney addressed the Complaints Committee for the United Kingdom press. The Daily Star therefore had to pay the actress as well as make a public apology today (September 30), stating that they regret publishing Miller’s photo and are sorry for the harassment she had to face as a result.

In July, Miller also sued The SunNews of the World, and Big Pictures paparazzi agency for $180 000, after photos of her and Balthazar Getty vacationing in Italy had been released.