
GaGa Over David Bowie

The first album by Lady GaGa, The Fame, is a tribute to David Bowie.

Lady GaGa, whose single, Just Dance, is presently on the Canadian Hot 100 charts, admitted that The Fame was a tribute to David Bowie, since she sings tracks such as, Let’s Dance and Fame.

Lady GaGa told Be !nteractive, "Yeah, Totally. I love him. And The Fame is so Bowie."
The Italian singer-songwriter admits she is obsessed with his music. "I go through periods of time where I would just listen to like Watch that man over and over and over again, and Aladdin Sane, just like start to finish, on vinyl, in my tiny apartment like every fucking day."
Lady GaGa loves the single Fame and the album it is on.  "Fame… I love that record (Young Americans). I used to do gogo dance to that record."
The New Yorker says that she is not only obsessed with Bowie’s glam rock music, but is also fascinated with him and his songs.  David Bowie is her favourite singer and role model.