
Ingrid Betancourt Tells Her Story

Ingrid Betancourt’s story is enticing movie makers in Hollywood.

Just barely a week after she was freed, Ingrid Betancourt became the talk of Hollywood studios as a film subject to tell her story of being held hostage, along with 14 others, by the Colombian army.

Some projects have already begun, while producers are hunting for a good script.

For one of the projects, producers Scott Steindorff (Love in the Time of Cholera) and Phil Maloof (Feast) were required the obtain the consent of the Colombian government, concerning the military procedure of liberating the hostages.

In addition, actress Patricia Velasquez (The Mummy) acquired the rights to the book Searching for Ingrid, written by Ingrid Betancourt’s husband, Juan Carlos Lecompte.

Aside from the films, there are also several books to be published on the incident, including one that Ingrid Betancourt wrote herself.