
A Musical Comedy About the Beckhams

A musical comedy based on the lives of David and Victoria Beckham is in production.

The satire, entitled MacBecks, is expected to come out in January, reports FemaleFirst.
Long Road Productions, who also produced Riverdance, says that the project, written by Gary Cooke and Malachy McKenna, was Shakespeare-inspired.
Director Ronan Smith said, "We’re very excited by the script – it’s a wild comedy romp that borrows from Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’, ‘King Lear’, ‘Romeo and Juliet’, as well as Cyrano de Bergerac. It will be a musical based on the world’s best known soccer player."
In the show, David sacrifices his career for Victoria Beckham, whose character is based on the ruthless, ambitious Lady Macbeth.