
Tom Hanks Banned from Catholic Church

Tom Hanks has been denied access to Roman churches to make his next film.

The actor is currently shooting the movie Angels and Demons, the sequel to the film The Da Vinci Code, by author Dan Brown.  Ron Howard is directing the project, and had asked permission to film in two churches.  

A spokesperson for the Catholic Church confirmed that the request to shoot footage at the Santa Maria del Popolo and Santa Maria della Vittoria churches has been refused.  The church feels that the controversial nature of the film is the reason for their denial.  Monseigneur Marco Fibbi explained, "It’s a film that treats religious issues in a way that contrasts with common religious sentiment. We would be helping them create a work that might well be beautiful but that does not conform to our views."

The Catholic Church was not happy when The Da Vinci Code was released, as the book suggests that Jesus was a married father when he died, which is not what the church believes.