
One Character Less For the Next Harry Potter

One of the characters from Harry Potter will not be making a return in the next film.

Cinematical has learned through, a Harry Potter fan website, that Moaning Myrtle will not be making a comeback in Harry Potter and the half-Blood Prince.

Webmasters of the site received confirmation from Shirley Henderson’s agents, the actress who plays the character.

In the sixth sequel of the sorcery adventure, Moaning Myrtle became Draco Malfoy’s confidante. Myrtle, who is a witch that haunts the second floor girls’ bathroom, consoled Draco when she found him hiding in her domain.

Moaning Myrtle appears in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is coming to theatres on November 21.