
Brangelina in France

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are in France to prepare for the birth of their twins.

According to FemaleFirst, the celebrity couple has been in France since Monday (April 28), with the rest of their family.

Pitt and Jolie have not found the home of their dreams, so meanwhile, they are staying in a villa located on the French Riviera, which belongs to the co-founder of Apple, Paul Allen.

"It’s a breathtaking villa with views out over the Mediterranean, and they have roughly 12 staff on hand at all times to get them anything they need,” a source told E!.
According to this source, the couple will stay in France until the birth of the babies, which is estimated to be in June.
Pitt and Jolie decided to go to France since Jolie’s mother, Marcheline Bertrand, has a French background.