
Madonna’s Past Innocence

Madonna admits that she was not as sexy and provocative as people believed at the start of her career.

The singer, who was well known for her provocative image at the beginning of her musical career in the 1980s, insisted that people had the wrong impression of her, reported FemaleFirst.
She stated, "I really was not getting up to much. I don’t think I was as naughty as I could have been. I was quite straight. I was a geek when I was that age. I did not really do that much that was interesting."
The mother of three children also added that one of her first hits, Like A Virgin, was actually quite innocent in ways. She said, "There is a kind of simplicity about it. There is an innocence about it. When I look at the video I also see a girl who is innocent and wide-eyed and really excited about her life and the beginning of her career."