
Brad Pitt is Related to Barack Obama

Brad Pitt is genealogically-related to American presidential candidate, Barack Obama.

Brad Pitt, who plans to support Senator Obama on his electoral campaign, is Obama’s distant cousin based on research conducted by the New England Genealogical Society, reports FemaleFirst.
Based on this research, Pitt and Obama are linked by one man named Edwin Hickman who died in 1769 in Virginia.  The research also revealed that Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt’s girlfriend, is linked to Obama’s rival, Hillary Clinton.
Jolie is a distant cousin of Clinton.  The two women are linked by their common ancestor, Jean Cusson, who died in Québec, Canada in 1718.
Christopher Child, the genealogist, declared, "It shows that lots of different people can be related, people you wouldn’t necessarily expect."