
Jessica Simpson Sings for US Troops in Kuwait

Jessica Simpson went to visit American troops in Kuwait in a private jet.

Simpson is a celebrity known for enjoying luxury.  When she went to visit the troops in Kuwait, as part of Operation MySpace, the singer did not want to give up the finer things, reported People.  She flew to Kuwait with her stylist Ken Paves, and had no intention of spending the night in the barracks.

Simpson’s rep, Cindi Berger, slammed the accusations. "She flew commercially, she is staying in the barracks," Berger told People. “She’s been with the troops all day. She’s had her meals with them."

Berger also stated that Paves did not accompany Simpson, but that there was a stylist and makeup artist with the star.  Her rep added that Simpson takes a trip like this to heart. The goal of her trip was to support the troops and provide them with some entertainment.