
Watch Clips From Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

Several clips from the film Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day have been released on the Internet.

Thanks to, it is possible to watch scenes from the romantic comedy, which opens in theatres on March 7.

Bharat Nalluri, who was the assistant director for the film AVP: Alien vs. Predator, directed the sophisticated comedy that stars Oscar-winner Frances McDormand and rising star Amy Adams (Enchanted).

The film takes place in London in 1939.  Miss Guinevere Pettigrew (McDormand) is a middle-aged governess who finds herself once again unfairly dismissed from her job.  She then intercepts an employment assignment as a social secretary, which she is not truly capable of handling.  She is soon working with a singer and actress named Delysia Lafosse (Adams), and is swept into the world of celebrities.  Her mission is to help her new friend decide between three suitors, a devoted pianist, an intimidating nightclub owner, and a young actor.  Tom Payne, Mark Strong (Stardust) and Lee Pace (The Good Shepherd), play the men.

Ciaran Hinds (There Will Be Blood) also stars in the film as a designer.