
Mandy Moore Enjoys Time Alone

Mandy Moore was afraid to be alone and was pleasantly surprised when she spent some time alone on vacation.

Moore admitted that she was terrified to travel alone. However, Reuters reported that she decided to try to overcome this fear.

At the launch of Moore revealed, "I was always kind of terrified of going on vacation alone. The thought really scared me, but I wanted to push past that bruise and do it anyway."

The 23-year-old star was surprised to find that she adored the experience. "I ended up having the most incredible time. It was so peaceful, not having to answer to anyone or take anybody else’s opinions into account. It is empowering, and it’s such a simple thing to do," she confided.

Moore had admitted to going through a depression in 2006 when she broke up with Zach Braff. She has also dated tennis player Andy Roddick and actor Wilmer Valderrama, but would now like to focus on her personal activities.

Moore will be one of the hosts of the wellness program at uPumpItUp website. In addition, she will be doing concerts in Australia with Kelly Clarkson from February 29 to March 9, and then heading to the Philippines.