
More Control of Britney Spears’ Money

Britney Spears’ brother has been given control of her money, along with her father.

Members of the singer’s family were given control over Spears’ finances yesterday in court.  Bryan Spears, the star’s brother, is now in charge of daily expenses for his sister, while their father controls the estate.  The ruling will be in place at least until a psychiatric evaluation of Britney is presented to the court on March 10.

On February 1, the starlet’s father, Jamie Spears, was granted control of Britney’s estate, estimated to be worth 10 million dollars.

The latest ruling gives brother Bryan control over day-to-day expenses for Britney, including security needs, food and medication expenses.

Superior Court Judge Reva Goetz has determined that the singer’s family has been able to keep Spears out of trouble since she was released from a psychiatric hospital on February 6.