
Eva Longoria Giving Advice to Jessica Simpson

Actress Eva Longoria has been giving advice to Jessica Simpson on how to conquer football fans.

Eva Longori, who is married to Tony Parker, a basketball player, sympathises with Jessica Simpson who has received flack by fans at her boyfriend’s football games. Simpson’s boyfriend, Tony Romo, plays for the Dallas Cowboys.


Simpson started dating Romo at the end of 2007 and has been criticised by fans since that time. She has been accused of being responsible for Romo not playing at his best. Longoria stated that she was also berated by fans at the beginning of her relationship with Parker, but eventually the fans came around and accepted her.


Longoria revealed, "When I first started dating Tony, I got the same flack, and this was so many years ago that people don’t remember. If he had a bad game, it was my fault, if he got injured, it was my fault, if he had a good game, it wasn’t because of me. You have to weather that for a while, and once people get over it, they kind of get used to you."


Longoria, who stars in the television show Desperate Housewives, told Simpson, "Believe me, they are not thinking of us when they are on the field, particularly Tony Romo, who has 10 linemen coming at him. Do you think that he is really thinking about Jessica the moment that he is about to get sacked?"