
Mary J. Blige in Steroid Investigation

R& B singer Mary J. Blige and other celebrities such as 50 Cent and Timbaland, are the subjects of a steroid investigation.

Mary J. Blige is involved in a scandal that involves other celebrities that are being accused of using steroids.

According to the Albany Times Union, 50 Cent, Timbaland, Wyclef Jean and Tyler Perry, may have also used steroids over the last few years.  Following an article published in the paper, Blige’s rep, Karynne Tencer, slammed down the rumours about her client. "Mary J. Blige has never taken any performance-enhancing illegal steroids," Tencer stated.

The paper cited sources that stated that the stars were using aliases to get their hands on prescriptions signed by Floridian osteopath Dr. Gary Brandwein. This same doctor was involved in another messy situation. He prescribed steroids to professional wrestler, Chris Benoit, who killed himself, after killing his wife and his son.  Brandwein is awaiting trial in Albany, New York.  Albany District Attorney David Soares, launched an investigation on steroid trafficking. The investigation headed by Soares has led to the arrest of 10 people, three of which were doctors and owners of anti-aging clinics.

According to Soares, Blige received many shipments of human growth hormones and steroids between 2005 and 2007. These packages were from a pharmacy in Orlando, Florida.