
The Cirque du Soleil Moving to Los Angeles

In 2010, the Cirque du Soleil will be moving into the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles, where they will perform for 10years.

Cyberpresse reported that the Cirque du Soleil made a deal to move into the Kodak Theatre, home of the Academy Awards, in two years, and will stay there for ten years.

Each year the Cirque will do about 370 shows at the Kodak Theatre, leaving about a month for the preparation and ceremony of the Oscars. This is a $100 million project, which will involve modifying the theatre, and putting together a show by Philippe Decouflé that will involve 75 artists.

The founder of the Kodak Theatre, Shaul Kuba, approached the founder of the Cirque du Soleil, Guy Laliberté to create this show.