
Rihanna Says ‘No’ to Drugs

Singer Rihanna refuses to fall into the same trap as other young stars.

According to FemaleFirst, Rihanna says that she will never turn to drugs and alcohol to deal with the pressure of being a celebrity, like other young stars have done.

"I refuse to crack under pressure – in fact I thrive on it. So when I read about Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse who have suffered under it, it’s sad," said Rihanna.

The 19 year-old singer added that it’s easy to criticize others, but much more difficult to keep yourself grounded.  She added that the support of her friends and family have helped her to keep that balance.  She said she phones her best friend when she feels lost or depressed.

The pressure of being famous is definitely there, said Rihanna.  Although she is now dating actor Josh Hartnett, she admits that it can be hard to find a man with the right intentions when you’re a celebrity.  Rihanna explained, "I always have my guard up with men no matter who they are. There are people who love you simply because you are famous and very attractive. But I am very good at reading people and I’m not naïve."