
George Clooney and Fabio Argue in Public

George Clooney and Fabio had a confrontation at a famous restaurant.

Actor George Clooney and the seductive icon Fabio had an argument at Madeo restaurant last Friday, November 2.

Fabio was eating with some of his friends when one of them stood up to take some pictures, near Clooney’s table, where he was having dinner with his girlfriend, Sarah Larson.

According to In Touch Weekly, Clooney thought they were trying to take pictures of him and he told them to stop immediately. This angered Fabio who then went over to Clooney’s table. The conversation went downhill from there when Fabio said, "I thought you were a nice guy. Stop being a diva!"

Clooney did not appreciate this statement and got up and approached Fabio and according to a witness, a waiter needed to put an end to this argument before it got out of control.