
Tom Cruise Adorable With His Fans

Tom Cruise pleased his fans when he spent two hours with them before the premiere of the movie Lions for Lambs.

Cruise arrived at Leicester Square in London many hours before the premiere of his movie to spend time with his fans. FemaleFirst reported that he took photos and signed autographs.

His co-star, Robert Redford stayed away from the crowd. He went in through the back door, rather than the red carpet.

A fan stated, "It was so disappointing of Robert Redford to sneak in through the backdoor and leave us all waiting in the cold. It was wrong of him."

One of Cruise’s fans stated, "Tom was lovely. He signed everything, posed for photos with everyone, he was wonderful. There were some American fans over and he chatted to them about sport. He couldn’t have been more charming."
The movie Lions for Lambs is a political drama about the war in Afghanistan that is also starring actress Meryl Streep.