
Claire Danes is Picky About Work Conditions

Claire Danes can only work when the temperature and the space is adequate.

The actress rarely says that she is rarely pleased with her scenes and thinks it has to do with the work conditions.

Danes told Stella magazine, "Occasionally I get it right as an actress and feel proud of what I’ve done. But the conditions have to be just right. I have to be working with a director who is really capable and attentive. The weather has to be just so and the other actors have to be great. Then, for some reason, it works and I feel wonderful."

The 28-year-old star admitted that she does spend a lot of time complaining.

She expressed, "I complain the whole time, mainly about my acting. I complain about it when I do it and I complain when I’m not doing it, too. I think the main problem is that I’m exceedingly self-critical.

Danes will be in the movie Stardust which is being released later this month.