
Leonardo DiCaprio Defends His Documentary

Leonardo DiCaprio defended his new documentary despite the large number of negative reviews.

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio defended his documentary, which critics found it was too premature to find solutions for environmental problems.

The star will be releasing his movie 11th Hour in the United States, on August 17.

DiCaprio made a statement in FemaleFirst, "It would have been pretty easy to make a film completely about doomsday scenarios, but people need to leave the theatre and feel like they are somewhat responsible and make the simple choice to be active in the movement."

A founder of the environmental group Bioneers, Kenny Ausubel, who was an advisor stood behind the movie. He stated, "To leave people (with a doomsday view), would be like, ‘What do I do now, go home and shoot myself?’ "The solutions are here. We already know what to do in most cases and even when we don’t, we know what directions to head in."