
Nicole Richie Wants to Get Married Soon

Nicole Richie would like to get married as soon as possible.

The star of The Simple Life, who is four-months pregnant, wants to marry her boyfriend Joel Madden, before her belly becomes too obvious.

A source told E! Online, "Nicole does not want wedding pictures of her in a big old white dress, with a big old pregnant belly."

The 25-year-old star would like a date to be set before September 28.  On this date, Richie will be serving a four-day prison sentence for driving under the influence.

A source added, "Nicole has a guest list of about 200 so far. But pulling off a wedding that size, this quickly isn’t easy. She really wants to get married, spend a few days with her new husband and then check in to jail."

Earlier this month, the couple learned that the baby they are expecting is a boy, and they are already picking names.