
Chris Rock Spared by a DNA Test

The results of a DNA test prove that Chris Rock is not the father of his ex-girlfriend’s 13-year-old boy.

The actor and his wife, Malaak, publicly declared that Kali Bowyer falsely alleged that Rock was the father of her son Jordan.

According to the report by FemaleFirst, "We feel it is necessary to respond to the many grossly inaccurate media reports that were sold to the tabloids by Kali Bowyer who falsely claimed that Chris Rock fathered her 13-year-old son. After multiple lies, including that Chris refused to establish paternity, and after finding out Ms. Bowyer has an extensive criminal record, we personally asked the court to help us establish paternity so we can put this harassment to rest. Last week, it was concluded through DNA testing that Chris is not the father."

Rock intends to sue Bowyer for his legal fees.