
Britney Spears Snubbed by Lucky Twice

Britney Spears has been turned down by 16 year-old Swedish stars, Lucky Twice, after proposing a collaboration.

Spears approached the pop group to ask for help creating music for her next disc, which will mark her comeback.

Lucky Twice, who are currently the most popular girl group in Europe, is enjoying the number one spot on the charts in Europe with their single Lucky.

For her next CD, Spears wanted the Swedish girls to give her something extra for her music.  However, the two stars, Sofie and Hannah, declined the offer.  A spokesperson for Lucky Twice said, "The girls are extremely happy to know Britney is a fan of their music and want to work for them, but they are focusing on their own material at the moment and their schedule is totally jam packed. This might be something they’d consider in the future, but for now they wish Britney all the best for her comeback."