
Britney Spears Attacks Paparazzi

Britney Spears recently verbally attacked an overweight member of the paparazzi.

On July 22 in Beverly Hills, Spears was offering diet advice to an overweight cameraman who was taking her picture.

The singer pulled her car to the side of the road to listen to her son, Sean Preston, who was crying in the back.  When she realized that her car was blocked by the cameraman, she lost her cool.  According to FemaleFirst, Spears said to the man, "You gonna get on a diet? Have you ever tried WeightWatchers?"

Spears then added, "Why don’t you run; you need to f**king jog."

Before the incident, Spears had politely asked the paparazzi to leave her alone.  She said to the crowd, "You’ve got to stop using the cameras and following people. This is illegal."