
Lindsay Lohan Turns Herself In To Police

Actress Lindsay Lohan has turned herself in to Beverly Hills police to face her drunk driving charge.

The 21 year-old starlet has been formally charged for an accident that took place in May.  Lohan entered the police station yesterday and was released by the Los Angeles sheriff with a bail of $30,000.  A hearing has been scheduled for August 24.

Last May 26, the actress crashed her car just after leaving a Hollywood nightclub.  Tests revealed that Lohan was under the influence of both alcohol and cocaine.  Police also confirmed that they found cocaine in her car.

Two days after the incident, Lohan voluntarily entered the Promises detoxification centre in Malibu.  Lohan left the centre on July 13, after completing 45 days of treatment.  Since leaving Promises, Lohan has been wearing an ankle bracelet that monitors alcohol use, and has been attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.