
Angelina Jolie Is Left Fuming

Angelina Jolie is furious with Brad Pitt after discovering that he introduced their daughter to his ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston.

The actress is not happy that Pitt and 14 month-old daughter, Shiloh, recently spent time with former Friends star, Aniston.

A source told Britain’s Star magazine, "Angelina went totally ballistic. She rarely gets so angry. She was shouting so hard at Brad that the veins were bulging in her neck. She told him in no uncertain terms that they were finished if he took Shiloh anywhere near Jennifer again."

Pitt reportedly invited Jolie to join them for breakfast at Aniston’s home, but Jolie refused the offer.  Jolie feels that Aniston is trying to come between the couple.

A source added, "Angelina couldn’t believe it. She asked Brad what the hell he thought he was doing, and why he was humiliating her like that. But Brad couldn’t believe he was getting the third degree. He told Ange it was just a harmless lunch. Angelina told him, ‘She, Jen, is just loving it. Can’t you see? She’s in touch with your mom, too. She might as well move in with us.’ "