
Anglina Jolie Visits Washington

Actress Angelina Jolie was in Washington last week to help launch a charity organization for children.

Jolie was in the American capitol as a representative of GAC (Global Action for Children), a charity group that comes to the aid of orphans in underdeveloped countries.

During a press conference, the star explained why the organization was near to her heart.  "My daughter Zahara was orphaned because of AIDS,” she told the audience in Washington, “So I don’t have to tell you how precious I think these children are.”

Jolie added, “My daughter will learn about Ethiopia, and I pray that that country will stabilize, and when she’s 16 she can spend time there.  But I’m very concerned that when she’s 16, she won’t be able to go, because it’ll be too dangerous. So, I have an investment in these countries personally, because I’m concerned about the future of them on obviously a very personal level.”