
Kurt Cobain’s Belongings to Be Sold

Courtney Love, the widow of Nirvana singer, Kurt Cobain, has decided to sell several of the late rock singer’s things.

Love feels like her home has turned into a mausoleum, and plans to give several items to Christie’s for an auction.  Love explained, "(My house) is like a mausoleum… and my daughter doesn’t need to inherit a giant… bag full of flannel shirts. A sweater, a guitar and the lyrics to ‘(Smells Like) Teen Spirit,’ that’s what my daughter gets. The rest of it we’ll just… sell."

For the widow, it will also serve as a way for her to put closure on her relationship with Cobain, although not all items will be sold.  Love added, "I still wear his pajamas to bed. How am I ever going to go form another relationship in my lifetime wearing Kurt’s pajamas?"

Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1994.