
Britney Spears Attempts Suicide

Britney Spears recently called herself the "Antichrist" before attempting suicide.

According to Britain’s News of the World, the singer is currently in the rehabilitation centre Promises in Malibu, California.  Most recently, the star inscribed the number 666 on her shaved head and began to run through the centre crying out that she was the "Antichrist".

A source confirmed,  "Later that night she tried to kill herself. She attached a sheet to a light and tied it around her neck."

The Toxic singer is also asking her estranged husband, Kevin Federline, to renew their marriage vows and have a third child together.

Another witness claims that the 25 year-old star has made progress, saying, "Britney seems much happier and has calmed down since the incident. She is a completely different Britney from the beginning of the week."