
Kevin Federline Wants to Make A Change

Kevin Federline wants to change his image.

According to People magazine, Federline thinks that his upcoming Super Bowl advertisement is a sign that 2007 will be different for him.  In the ad for an insurance company, Federline plays a rapper who quickly turns into a fry cook.  The artist said, "We’re only a few weeks in, and it’s already going in a whole another direction."

Regarding his priority, Federline considers his image to be something to work on.  He added, "Just changing my perception of myself in the public eye is number one."

Federline is also interested in expanding his options in 2007.  He explained,  
 "Clothing deals, we’re in negotiations with that. Still going to do a little bit of the club appearances."

Finally, the 28 year-old father of four added that he is very busy with his children.  Federline has two children from a previous relationship, and two children with Britney Spears, Sean Preston, 1, and Jayden James, 4 months.