
Does Mel Gibson Have an Illigitmate Daughter

Mel Gibson may be the father of a 29 year-old Australian girl.

According to Britain’s News of the World, Carmel Sloane, an artist, is insisting that the famous actor is her father.

In 1976, the Lethal Weapon star allegedly picked up Sloane’s mother while she was hitchhiking.  Marilyn Sloane was just 17 at the time.  The two slept together in the back of Gibson’s car, and Sloane became pregnant.

Mel Gibson will now undergo a DNA test to determine is he is in fact Carmel Sloane’s biological father.  The young woman claims that she is not interested in money, but rather wishes to meet Gibson and her him to get to know his grandson.

Marilyn Sloane explained that she thought about attempting to get in touch with Gibson when she became pregnant, but she didn’t know his address.  In the 1990s, the woman tried to reach Gibson to no avail.