
Paris Hilton a Public Spectacle

Singer/actress/heiress, Paris Hilton has once again demonstrated that she is not classy.

The star surprised a lot of people when she showed up in a Vegas bar.  According to several sources, the star got on the stage to sing a couple of her songs, and vomitted at the end of her performance.

Hilton’s conduct was witnessed by singer Joshua Radin, who reported it on the site, MySpace.  He claims he was sitting beside Hilton for almost 5 hours.  He claims that Hilton consumed a huge amount of vodka.

He explained, "Paris gets up on stage, has the people in charge throw her ‘record’ on the house stereo for her to lip sync two of her songs. She gets up on the stage, pukes, leaves…" 

Ironically, Radin concluded by stating, "I find the music business charming."