
Anna Nicole Smith Names Baby’s Father

Anna Nicole Smith’s lawyer, Howard K. Stern, has been revealed as the father of the star’s newborn daughter.

During an interview on Larry King Live, Stern admitted that he is the father of the baby, who was born to Smith, 38, just days before her son died.

The attorney hopes that their new baby will help them to deal with the death of Smith’s son.  He said, "The one thing that is really keeping her going. Even with all the pain, she has been a great mom."

Daniel Smith, 20, died on September 10 while visiting his mother, who had given birth three days before.  The toxicology reports are currently underway to determine the cause of the boy’s death.

In regard to his relationship with Anna Nicole Smith, Stern said, "We love each other and it’s been going on for a very long time and because of my relationship as her lawyer, we felt it was best to keep everything hidden."

Stern is also interested in marrying Smith, adding, "I’ve loved her for quite some time and hopefully the feeling’s mutual. At some point, we will. "