
Rod Stewart is Outraged

Singer Rod Stewart verbally attacked British celebrity Russell Brand, who was boasting he slept with Stewart’s daughter.

According to Femalefirst, Rod Stewart was furious when the television star insinuated that he had slpt with Kimberly Stewart, 27.  Last Tuesday, Brand received the GQ award for best dressed man of the year.

At the Royal Opera House in London, Brand stated, "Here’s to Rod Stewart, who had a go at me earlier this year for too much womanising. But then again I did have a go on his daughter." 

Following this public announcement, singer of the well known Maggie May, stood beside his fiancée Penny Lancaster, looking exasperated. 
When Stewart accepted his lifetime achievement award, he took advantage of the opportunity to lash back at Brand.  He expressed, "You went with my daughter did you? Were you well behaved? Russell, stand up."

In the end, Russell Brand revealed that he had never touched Rod Stewart’s daughter.