
Tom Cruise Apologizes to Brooke Shields

Actress Brooke Shields admits that she finally did get an apology from Tom Cruise.

According to The Tonight Show, hosted by Jay Leno, Tom Cruise has openly criticized Brooke Shields.  Following the birth of her firstborn, the star of television series That 70’s Show, claimed that she took antidepressants because she was going through a postpartum depression.

At that time, the 41-year-old woman recalls the statements made by Tom Cruise, and thought they were inappropriate.  Shields explained that Cruise apologized recently. "He came over to my house and gave me a heartfelt apology. I was so impressed with how heartfelt he was. I did not feel that he was trying to convince me of anything other than the fact that he was deeply sorry."

Arnold Robinson, publicist for Tom Cruise, confirmed that a good relationship has been reestablished between the two stars.  Despite this, Cruise still believes that antidepressants are detrimental to one’s health.