
William H. Macy Slams Lindsay Lohan

Actor William H. Macy recently slammed actress Lindsay Lohan for her disrespectful behaviour.

According to People magazine, Macy does not appreciate Lohan’s tardiness.  The 56 year-old actor is starring with Lohan in the film Bobby.  Macy said that he admires her talent, but is not thrilled with her attitude.

The star of the film Thank You For Smoking said, "You can’t show up late. It’s very, very disrespectful."  Last month, Lohan was also reprimanded by management of Morgan Creek Productions for her absences from the set of the film Georgia Rule.  Lohan received a letter saying that she was, "a spoiled child."

William H. Macy added, "I think what an actor has to realize when you show up an hour late, 150 people have been scrambling to cover for you. It’s nothing but disrespect. And Lindsay Lohan is not the only one. A lot of actors show up late as if they’re God’s gift to the film. It’s inexcusable."