
Britney Spears and Children’s Fashion

Pregnant singer Britney Spears has a new hobby: imagining baby clothes.

The Baby One More Time star loves to try new trends on her young son, Sean Preston, only 10 months old. Spears, who has been married to rap artist Kevin Federline since 2004, is excpecting a second child.

She does not like to be seen in public with her big belly. Therefore, Britney has to find things to do, away from the media. After launching a new fragrance, Fantasy, the oops singer is now interested in the baby clothing sector.

"Because I’m pregnant, I’m big, and I don’t really want to get out that much. I go into his closet and just bleach everything! Preston’s just like a rocker kid. Hopefully next year we’ll have a fashion show, maybe at Disney World or something like that. We’ll have them onstage, and they’ll have mini-guitars. Everyone needs a mini-guitar!" declared Britney Spears.