
Nicole Richie’s Music Career

Nicole Richie is working on her first pop music album.

According to the Daily Report, Nicole Richie is following in the footsteps of her former friend Paris Hilton, since she will soon release her first album.

The adoptive daughter of legendary singer Lionel Richie has confirmed she has six songs ready. The young woman, 24, stated: "Right now I’m just writing and recording. The way that a record goes, you sing up to 20 or 30 songs and then pick your favourite 10. I’m about six songs in."

The starlet has not mentioned if she had collaborated with her famous father. It seems that the songs are about her whole life – past, present and future.

"The songs are about what’s going on in my life, growing up and becoming a woman. They are about realising what’s great and what’s so wonderful about life and being on this earth and living the way that I live," she confided.

Nicole Richie is starring in the new edition of The Simple Life: ‘Til Death Do Us Part’.