
Naomi Campbell’s Shop Flop

Supermodel Naomi Campbell was recently in tears in a London boutique when a shop employee refused to believe who she was.

According to Femalefirst, the beauty was shopping for luggage in the Peter Jones boutique.  When Campbell attempted to pay for her items with a credit card, the employee thought that there was fraud taking place, saying, "I don’t think you’re Naomi Campbell."

The 36 year-old model is well known for her quick temper.  A heated argument took place between the two women before store management attempted to intervene, but Campbell had already decided to walk out of the store.  Campbell vows to never shop at Peter Jones again.  Campbell’s representative said, "There were a lot of people in the store and the situation was humiliating. Naomi was shaking with anger."

Campbell continues to have legal problems, as most recently she was charged of assaulting her former assistant, Ana Scolavino.