
Pamela Anderson Wants to Save the Seals

First Brigitte Bardot, then Paul McCartney, and now Pamela Anderson’s turn to protest about seal hunting in Canada. 

The former star of the television series Baywatch, is now an activist for PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.  PETA is now asking Canadian Premier Stephen Harper to intervene so that the hunt for seals comes to an end.

Anderson described, “As a proud Canadian who frequently travels abroad, I am alarmed that people are starting to see Canada as a country more beholden to a pack of greedy hunters and to the seal-skin ‘fashion’ whims of a few countries than to the massive international outcry against such a barbaric activity.”

According to the PETA, 335 000 baby seals will be killed this year.  The Canadian government stipulated that killing baby seals has been prohibited since 1987,