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United States and Canada take on TikTok!

As governments around the world step up surveillance, lawmakers in Canada and the U.S. are taking steps to address the national security risks of the TikTok app.

The U.S. House of Representatives has approved a proposal that requires TikTok, a Chinese company owned by ByteDance, to end its ties with the app within a specific timeframe. Otherwise, the app risks being banned in the United States. The move comes in response to growing fears that China may be using TikTok to collect data and influence operations.

TikTok, with over 170 million users in the U.S., is a global sensation, and if passed, would dramatically alter the social media landscape.

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The Canadian government is keeping a close eye on TikTok’s activities. In September 2023, the federal Liberals launched a national security assessment, but have yet to announce their decision publicly. The move was prompted by concerns about the security and privacy of user data.

Steven Mnuchin, the former Treasury Secretary in the Trump administration, has expressed interest in leading a group of investors to buy TikTok if the bill passes.

However, the proposed sale is fraught with uncertainties due to geopolitics and TikTok’s algorithm, developed in China.

For the time being, TikTok’s fate remains undetermined in both Canada and the United States.