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Trump gloomy (and frankly, disturbing) in his TIME interview

Former President Donald Trump clarified and elaborated on his vision for his presidential tenure if he returns to the Oval Office in 2025, in a stunning interview with TIME. Trump reveals a highly controversial platform focused on immigration and conservative abortion policies.

A downright dark and disturbing interview.

Immigration, one of the main points of his previous election campaign, remains at the forefront of his 2024 campaign. While Trump promised in 2016 to build a wall on the southern border and make Mexico pay for it, this broken promise has become the symbol of his immigration policy that Trump wants to shake up.

In an interview with TIME magazine, the former president announces that he’s going to go much further with his policies, suggesting that the US military be deployed to help, in his view, deport more than 11 million undocumented immigrants. Trump believes that immigration is a threat to the viability of the United States.

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Donald Trump, who appointed Supreme Court justices responsible for overturning Roe v. Wade, has said he’d rather see states retain their ability to determine abortion laws, rather than have a federal ban.

Trump distances himself from abortion legislation and maintains that decisions should be made by the states, and that they could monitor women’s pregnancies to determine whether they have abortions.

Now, that is worrying…

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Donald Trump makes several disturbing points in his TIME interview, including claiming he was too nice the first time…

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One thing’s for sure, several controversial policies remain at the forefront of his 2024 campaign.