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Kim Kardashian gets booed at Tom Brady’s roast

Kim Kardashian faced an unwelcoming crowd when she took to the stage for the Netflix special The Roast of Tom Brady, broadcasted live from Los Angeles. Audience members booed her for most of her speech.

The event, part of the Netflix Is a Joke Fest, was billed as the first ever live, uninterrupted roast featuring former NFL star Tom Brady. Although Kim Kardashian tried to be funny during her speech, the audience chose to boo her loudly.

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The clearly frustrated reality TV star held her ground despite the booing from the audience. She bravely cracked several jokes to calm the atmosphere, eventually managing to turn the booing into laughter.

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One of her jokes was about the rumors surrounding her relationship with Tom Brady.

Tom Brady himself didn’t let the opportunity to make fun of Kim Kardashian pass him by. He joked that Kim was scared to be there, just because her kids had to be looked after by their father (Kanye West).

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A strange evening in general, with a few hits, many misses and several cringe moments, but a particularly difficult one for poor Kim Kardashian, who was the victim of several misogynistic comments at the event, to say the least.