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Stormy Daniels wore a bulletproof vest to Trump’s trial

Stormy Daniels, the adult film actress and Donald Trump’s short-lived ex-mistress, shared explicit details of her intimate interactions with the former president during her two consecutive days of testimony, at the former US president’s criminal trial.

Now we learn that for security concerns, she was afforded heightened security and even wore a bulletproof vest on the sidelines of her testimony!

Clark Brewster, Daniels’ lawyer, expressed deep concern about his client’s safety during his trip to New York for the trial of the former American president. In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Brewster clarified that Stormy Daniels ‘ fears were not due to fear of testifying, but rather were motivated by the potential danger posed by some of the ex-president’s extremist supporters.

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According to the lawyer, his client wore a bulletproof vest every day until she arrived in court, underscoring the level of threat she perceived. In addition to providing numerous details of her intimate interactions with the accused, Stormy Daniels made clear her dislike for Trump during her testimony.

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Recall that Trump is accused of attempting to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. The case against him centers on allegations that he instructed his lawyer, Michael Cohen, to pay $130,000 to the adult film actress in order to conceal information about their relationship. This payment was allegedly made through false entries in his business records, during 2017.

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Donald Trump has denied all 34 charges of document falsification, repeatedly claiming that the case is political in nature.

The trial is still ongoing.