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PETA wants Stormy Daniels for an ad mocking Trump

PETA has taken the bold step of recruiting adult film actress Stormy Daniels for its new campaign against cruelty in horse racing.

The move coincides with the actress’ recent return to the spotlight, with her involvement in Donald Trump‘s high-profile criminal trial. The animal rights group would therefore consider capitalizing on her momentary high profile.

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The campaign, which promises to be provocative, could also target former President Donald Trump, as several planned slogans would refer to his alleged intimate relationship with Daniels. The awareness ads would feature slogans such as:

Nobody likes a two-minute ride. Turn your back on horse racing cruelty“, humorously referring to Daniels ‘ claim that Trump had lasted only two minutes during their intimate relationship, a detail widely reported by the media.

PETA invited Daniels to take part in the project via a letter highlighting the devastating effects of horse racing.

The letter reveals alarming statistics about the high rates of injury and death at these events, with no fewer than 12 horses perishing at the Kentucky Derby last year alone.

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Daniels was called to testify in the criminal trial of the former president, accused of falsifying business documents to conceal a $130,000 payment to the actress, in order to keep her quiet about their intimate affair in 2006.

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PETA is convinced that, thanks to her recent visibility, Stormy Daniels could have a very important impact in the fight against animal cruelty in horse racing.