It happenned on a… 6 July

Find out about the main events that have taken place on this day over the years.


A 73-car oil train derails in the town of Lac-Mégantic, Quebec and explodes into flames, killing at least 47 people and destroying more than 30 buildings in the town’s central area.


“Forrest Gump”, directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, and Gary Sinise, is released (Academy Awards Best Picture 1995).


John Lennon and Paul McCartney meet for the first time, as teenagers at Woolton Fete, 3 years before forming the Beatles.


The AK-47 goes into production in the Soviet Union.


The first All-Star baseball game was held in Chicago. The American League beat the National League 4-2.


Louis Pasteur successfully tested his anti-rabies vaccine. The child used in the test later became the director of the Pasteur Institute.