
Jon Hamm adjusting to changes

Jon Hamm is still adjusting to the major changes in his life that took place three years ago.

Jon Hamm is still adjusting to the "rearranging of priorities" in his life.

The ‘Baby Driver’ actor split from long-term girlfriend Jennifer Westfeldt in 2015, the same year he also checked into rehab and saw his long-running TV series ‘Mad Men’ come to an end and though he thinks the changes in his life were "necessary", the "tricky" period still hasn’t fully ended.

He said: "I had a lot of shifts in my life. A lot of rearranging of priorities. I don’t think it was conscious, but it was necessary. It was tricky, and the dust is still settling in many ways."

But the 47-year-old actor didn’t want to draw on how he’d been changed by the experiences.

He simply told Esquire magazine: "Good, bad, indifferent: It’s ephemeral. So sit in it for a minute and experience it. If it sucks, it too will be gone in a minute."

Jon was just 10 when his beloved mother Deborah – who split from his father Dan when he was two – died of an "aggressive" form of cancer and he struggled to cope with her passing, especially because his dad wasn’t "really capable" of knowing how to help him deal with the tragedy.

He recalled: "She died so fast. Colon cancer that spread to her liver, stomach; it was unchecked, and it was invasive, and it was aggressive, and it was fatal.

"[Dad] wasn’t really capable [of helping deal with grief]. It was that weird kind of midwestern thing of not really knowing what to say, so just say nothing.

"Instead of what we now know: Just say anything, just connect, just be available, instead of shutting down and going into a separate room and staring out the window. He was a man who lost two wives. He was a pretty sad guy. He had his issues. I just watched him crumble.

"Plus, we’re talking 1980 in St. Louis. Not exactly a hotbed of mental health. I was given a book called ‘What to Do When a Parent Dies’. And I was like, ‘All right, I read this book. I guess I’m fixed.’ "